
An assorted candyboxfull of my thoughts....
Tuesday, October 24, 2006
Confusion Malfunction
Adam and Eve started during a heated argument,
about who was more worthy.
Adam claimed since he was born first,
the world belonged to him.
Eve watched as he justified it all,
she understood that though she was meant to be meek,
her birth was from his rib;
not from the sand under his feet.

Poisoned apples were trials,
testing the perfection of god's creation,
But maybe they were not so perfect afterall.

Things have changed little since then,
There is still that used feeling when they walk out,
alone, cold and crying miserably when dreams are shattered.
Is love still that beautiful creature that we thought it to be?
Walking the crowded street,
eyes follow my every movement,
making me so afraid I want to run.
Run far away, away from those eyes,
away from those hands that want to harm.

I feel unclean when I hear them,
all those people around me,
chattering in their rasped voices,
in strange, vulgar languages.
My safety breached, my comfort tested,
I'm being forced into an invisible corner;
forced to grope around to find my way.
Why do they rape us so?
Wherever our feet step down, a hurdle arises,
which blinds the victim,
and agonising their souls tears lives apart.

There it is, it emerges from the torn heart,
an ugly beast which hides in the most sly beings,
masters of disguise, it has wrecked havoc on my peace.
It has left my world shattered.

As I sit on the floor perplexed as to what to do,
heart broken, eyes damp with tears,
I know how Eve must have felt when she was cheated.
But I am not her, I will survive.
As I get up back on my feet, I realise my life is what I make of it.
I am not weak, I was born from his rib;
not from the sand under the soles of his feet.
Here I stand with my head held high.

posted by MandarinDreams @ 7:24 am   1 comments

On the rocky shore I sat;
watching the waves lap,
It made me think, an introspection as deep as is possible,
On how a city like Pondicherry could retain this strange tranquility.
As I walked the streets,
passing the beautiful white builings,
it took me back to how it must have been;
A french colony, crisp and peaceful.
Impeccably clean, Pondicherry's to fall in love with.
Nothing much has changed to the original,
However it remains now one half clean lines and order of the old,
mixed with the strange almost haphazard disarray of the new.

Passing the school,
filled was the air with students singing;
and what sweet singing 'twas,
so warm that it lent an aura so strong to everything around,
that made the soul rise and stir.

From a few years back when I saw Pondicherry for the first,
I remember feeling its welcome,
The breeze playing with my hair; making me feel so light,
had I wings I would take to flight,
in those clear skies........
Memorable were the moments spent watching that copper moon,
in a cloudless, diamond star studded array,
The torrent waters beneath forming spiralling pools;
Its waves crashing against the rocky fortress built to try to protect from her recent wrath,
Yet it sounds on more placid times,
like a monster sleeping peacefully somewhere.
A light gurgle, a deep sigh, sometimes a hiccup.......

Into this meditative city,
I came as a troubled soul;
Confused, hurt, desperate for peace, prepared to end it all.
I return after a mere day;
Filled with an almost alien reserve of inner strength and happiness,
Not to forget my loot from the Sunday bazaar!!!!
posted by MandarinDreams @ 5:03 am   0 comments

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